Minja Tea Dzamarija , Statistics Norway
The ethnic and cultural diversity in Norway is greater now than ever before. Diversity is an appropriate word to describe the composition of the Norwegian population. As of 1 January 2019, Norway was home to persons who, through their own, their parents or their grandparents’ country of birth had a background from a total of 221 countries and autonomous regions. Diversity is also an appropriate word to describe all the reasons why people cross the Norwegian border: love, family, work, conflict, war, poverty, adoption, education - to name but a few. In a globalised world, the opportunity and need to move to a new country are both becoming more and more prevalent. With 5.3 million inhabitants, Norway is a small country on a global scale, but we have one of the fastest growing populations in Europe. How does diversity manifest itself in the population statistics? Is it possible to measure it in any way? We are going to present a statistical method which is used to group the entire Norwegian population according to their own, their parents and their grandparents’ country of birth. This paper will provide a statistical picture of the entire Norwegian population- persons without immigrant background, immigrants and Norwegian- born to immigrant parents, using available register data.
Presented in Session 72. Naturalization and Citizenship