Joanna Szczepaniak-Sienniak , Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
The main objective of the presentation is to present problems an new perspectives of family policy in Poland taking into consideration both the still unresolved problems and risks of family change (de-institutionalization) and challenges resulting from this state of affairs determined on the basis of Poles' opinions on functioning and expected family policy instruments. Of particular interest will be social services for children aged 0-6 and financial forms of family support, in particular the 500 Plus program introduced in 2016 The proposed considerations have been based on the specific assumptions of social justice and economic effectiveness, the selected demographic, social and economic problems and challenges, as well as the appropriately selected directives and experiences of other European countries (mostly EU), in which there can be found references to the accepted assumptions of social justice and economic effectiveness. Approach and type of methodology (theoretical / conceptual analysis, survey research - research techniques: PAPI, CAWI, case study).
Presented in Session P3. Poster Session Migration, Economics, Environment, Methods, History and Policy