Marta Marszalek , Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics
The household production is the biggest aggregate which has no reflection in the current European System of National Accounts (ESA). The market value of that production amounts for less than 10-15% of the total household production (Eurostat 2003; Marszalek 2015; Varjonen, Hamunen & Soinne 2014; Varjonen & Aalto 2006). The major amount of that production nearly 80% - the unpaid household production is outside the GDP, and it is underestimated because it is made and consumed by the same household. The main aim of the household production account is to estimate the value of the unpaid household production. The estimation of monetary value of household production allow determining the real contribution of households in creating added value in the economy and conducting detailed analyses of the level and quality of life. The Household Production Satellite Account (HPSA) is a statistical whole sequence of accounts, which is additional tool to aggregate information about value of unpaid work generated in households. Moreover, other similar compilation, the National Time Transfer Accounts (NTTA) presents the intergenerational transfers of production and consumption of women and men. The results of both analyses ensure the comprehensive overview of real impact of household sector to the general national economy. Providing the regular calculation of the HPSA and the NTTA, will allow recognition and better understanding of the transfers and interactions between the market and households. The value and size of goods and services produced by households can be compared with similar products produced on the market by enterprises.
Presented in Session P1. Poster Session Fertility, Family and the Life Course