The Social Stratification of Internal Geographical Mobility in Europe.

Nazareno Panichella , University of Milan
Roberto Impicciatore, University of Bologna
Gabriele Ballarino, Università degli Studi di Milano

Internal migration tends to be generated by the same forces that typically generate international migration: they are motivated by the opportunities for realizing economic gains and financial support for local activities, for investing in human capital and improving one’s economic condition. We aim to add empirical results that can be relevant in the debate on long-range geographical mobility in different European societies. We study the selection into geographical mobility, analysing the effects of socio-demographic characteristics on internal inter-regional mobility (NUTS-2 level), their interaction with time/cohorts and their changes according to the different definitions of geographical mobility (short/long distance, from rural to urban areas, etc.). We use the SHARELIFE (2008-09) database. It is the third wave of SHARE (Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) providing life-history information about a representative sample of about 27,000 respondents aged 50 and over living in Europe.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 61. Skills, Labour Market and Internal Migration