Interpersonal Violence as a Legacy of Historical Family Systems.

Inés Gil Torras , University of Bologna

This work presents an approach to the explanations of interpersonal violence (measured as homicide rates) as a legacy of the historical family systems presented by Emmanuel Todd. Employing structural equation modeling as methodology, I conducted a cross- cultural research counting with a total of 145 countries. I find that the authoritarian family structures (extended family) have a negative direct effect on the rates of homicides, while inegalitarian families (unequal distribution of inheritance among siblings) present a negative effect over homicides channeled through lowering the levels of alcohol abuse and increasing the levels of governability of the country. The model presented provides support for the previous research about the factors of risk of violence exposed by the World Health Organization and expand on the field of cultural legacies of historical family systems. Key words: Interpersonal violence · Homicides · Common sense · Historical legacies · Historical family systems · Structural equation modeling (SEM-Path Model) ·

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session P1. Poster Session Fertility, Family and the Life Course