Fernando Ruiz-Vallejo
Marc Ajenjo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
This study seeks to describe the survival of the children timeshare schemes (regardless of whether or not they passed through the legal system) and to identify which variables could explain the sustainability of the initial agreement. We use the “CUCOPE” survey, which is a cross-sectional survey representative of people resident in 6 regions in Spain, who in the last 8 years have experienced a union dissolution process involving at least 1 child under 16 years old. The questionnaire collected retrospective information in order to investigate the agreements reached at the time of the union dissolution, as well as it changes in the previous 8 years at the time of the survey. We use event history analysis in continuous time (months) to describe the survival time up to the initial “scheme” had changed. Our results suggest that schemes where children live most of the time with the father, change more and faster than other types of agreements.
Presented in Session P1. Poster Session Fertility, Family and the Life Course