Welfare Regimes and Fertility in Second Unions

Mariana Fernández Soto , Programa de Población, Udelar
Ana Fostik, Statistics Canada / Statistique Canada
Benoît Laplante, Institut national de la recherche scientifique

We examine the differences in the hazard of second union formation and the hazard the first birth in a second union in several countries with different welfare regimes: Sweden, France, Germany, Spain, the United States and Canada. By matching the Harmonized Histories dataset with the Comparative Family Policy database (GGP), we are able to estimate the effect of family-related policies on fertility in second unions. The preliminary results show a similar rate of re-partnering and of having a first birth in a second union throughout countries, although France and Sweden have slightly higher rates. These are also the countries with the most stable maternity and parental leaves since the 60’s, while Canada, Germany, and Spain have stable maternity and parental leaves only after the ‘70s.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session P1. Poster Session Fertility, Family and the Life Course