Cohort Differences in the Relationship between Living Arrangements and Health among Older Adults in a Transitional Society

YeonJin Lee , University of Hong Kong
Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, National University of Singapore

Objective: Little is known about cohort variations in the relationships between living arrangements and psychological and physical health among older adults. The current study evaluates whether cohort differences in the intergenerational relationships affect the variations in the health benefits of multi-generational living arrangements, and how they do so. Method: Using panel regression models with lagged variables based on South Korean data, we compare the shape of the relationships between living arrangements and health conditions of two cohorts of older adults. Results: The study finds that living arrangements have a different impact on the health of aging populations in different birth cohorts. Among older adults in recent cohorts, living in a multi-generational household is negatively associated with psychological well-being. The cohort variations in health implications are partly explained by children’s marital status and home ownership. Discussions: The cohort variations reflect the changing socio-demographic status of children and family values.

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 Presented in Session P2. Poster Session Ageing, Health and Mortality