Age at Parental Separation and Children’s School Grades •
Siddartha Aradhya , Stockholm University Demography Unit; Juho Härkönen, European University Institute.
Does Parental Separation Lower Genetic Influences on Children’s School-Related Skills? •
Tina Baier ; Zachary Van Winkle, University of Oxford.
Parental Separation, Child Time Investments and Life-Course Dynamics •
Pablo Gracia , Trinity College Dublin; Tomas Cano, Goethe University of Frankfurt.
Fatherhood after Union Breakup in Uruguay: Transitory or Life-Long Commitment? •
Teresa Martin Garcia , Spanish Council for Scientific Research; Teresa Castro Martin, CSIC; Ignacio Pardo, Universidad De La República; Wanda Cabella, Universidad De La República.
Earnings Declines of Men around the Time of Divorce in West Germany •
Anke Radenacker , Hertie School, Berlin; Daniel Brüggmann, Hertie School, Berlin; Michaela Kreyenfeld, Hertie School of Governance.