Session 110 Life Course: Linked Lives
Note: Due to the pandemic the original sessions have been cancelled.
You can view the virtual sessions here.
Chair: Clara H. Mulder, University of Groningen
Oh Half-Brother, Where Art Thou? – Defining the Boundaries for Full- and Half-Sibling Interaction across the Life Course •
Linus Andersson .
Similarity in Transition to Adulthood of Friends and School Mates •
Nicola Barban , University of Essex; Nicoletta Balbo, Bocconi University; Anette E. Fasang, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Transition to Fatherhood and Changes in Smoking Behaviour. The Role of Partner’s Habit during Pregnancy •
Marta Pasqualini , Università di Perugia; Luca Pieroni, Via della villa 8/c; Anne McMunn, University College London.
Family, Fertility and Internal Migration in Norway: A Linked Lives Perspective •
Michael J. Thomas , Statistics Norway; Lars Dommermuth, Statistics Norway.
Who Stays in Their Birthplace? The Role of Intergenerational Ties, Family Characteristics, and the Geographic Context •
Jonne Thomassen , University of Groningen; Emma Lundholm, Umeå University; Gunnar Malmberg, Umeå University.
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