Session 121
Sex-Selection at Birth

Note: Due to the pandemic the original sessions have been cancelled.
You can view the virtual sessions here.



Chair: Mathias Lerch, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne (epfl-eth)

1. Disparities in Gender Preference and Fertility: Southeast Asia and South America in a Comparative PerspectiveValentine Becquet, INED; Nicolas Sacco Zeballos , Pennsylvania State University; Ignacio Pardo, Universidad De La República.

2. Fertility, Son Preference and Sex-Selection Transition in China: An Analysis of 7 ProvincesSylvie Dubuc, University of Reading; Cuiling Zhang , China Population and development Research Center.

3. The Impact of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Household's Fertility Choices in IndiaSayli Javadekar , University of Geneva.

4. Parental Perceptions on Son Preference: A Qualitative Study in a Slum Community in South IndiaSATHYA THENNAVAN , SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.

5. How Missing Men Lead to Missing Women: Revising Natural Sex Ratios at Birth for the Fragile MaleJoshua K. Wilde , Oxford University.

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