Session 123
The Relationships between Fertility and Mortality

Note: Due to the pandemic the original sessions have been cancelled.
You can view the virtual sessions here.



Chair: Annalisa Busetta, University of Palermo

1. A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Development and the Demographic Transition: Fertility Reversal under the HIV EpidemicLuca Gori , University of Pisa; Enrico Lupi, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies; Piero Manfredi, Università di Pisa; Mauro Sodini, University of Pisa.

2. Life after Loss: A Prospective Analysis of Mortality and Unintended FertilityEmily Smith-Greenaway , University of Southern California; Sara Yeatman, University of Colorado Denver.

3. Sooner, More, or No Children? Timing and Level of Childbearing among Orphans in FranceAnne Solaz , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Eva Beaujouan, University of Vienna (Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital).

4. The Effect of Antimalarial Campaigns on Child Mortality and Fertility in Sub-Saharan AfricaJoshua K. Wilde, Oxford University; Benedicte Apouey , Paris School of Economics - CNRS; Joseph Coleman, University of South Florida; Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida.

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