Session 14
Infant and Child Mortality

Note: Due to the pandemic the original sessions have been cancelled.
You can view the virtual sessions here.



1. The Infant Mortality Decline and Its Relation with Urban Infrastructure Services: A Spatial Analysis in Small Areas of BrazilPedro Andrade , IFCH - Unicamp; Everton E. C. Lima, UNICAMP; Tirza Aidar, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).

2. Parental Income Gradients in Mortality during Childhood and Adolescence: Long-Term Trends across Half a Century Using Norwegian Administrative DataMiriam Evensen ; Søren Klitkou Toksvig, Norwegian Institute of Public Health; Jonas Kinge, Norwegian Institute of Public Health; Simon Øverland, Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

3. Gender Discrimination and Excess Female under-Five Mortality in India: A New Perspective Using Mixed-Sex TwinsRidhi Kashyap , University of Oxford; Julia Behrman, Northwestern University.

4. The Excess Mortality of Twins Compared to Singletons from Birth to Age 5 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Analysis of Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems (Hdss)' DataAdama Ouedraogo, Université de Versailles – Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ); Gilles Pison , Muséum National D'histoire Naturelle; Abdramane Soura, Université de Ouagadougou; Sophie Le Coeur, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED); Valérie Delaunay, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD); Ane Fisker, Statens Serum Institut; Kassoum Dianou, Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) and Joseph Ki-Zerbo University (UJKZ).

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