Collateral Damage? How World War One Changed the Way Women Work •
Gay Victor, Toulouse School of Economics; Lionel Kesztenbaum , Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED).
Continuity and Change in Spatial Patterns in UK Fertility: The Case of London •
Hannaliis Jaadla , University of Cambridge; Alice Reid, University of Cambridge; Eilidh Garrett, Cambridge University.
Fading Family Lines - Women and Men without Children, Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren in 19th, 20th, and 21st Century Northern Sweden. •
Martin Kolk , Stockholm University; Vegard Skirbekk.
Family and Individual Social Progression along Industrialization in Southern Europe, 19th-20th Centuries •
Joana Maria Pujades Mora , Open University Of Catalonia & Center For Demographic Studies, Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona; Gabriel Brea-Martinez, Centre for Economic Demography-Economic History Lund University; Miquel Valls Fígols, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Historical Demography of the Domestic Cycle: Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship between Family Organization, Patriarchy, and Well-Being in Preindustrial Eurasia, 1700-1926 •
Mikolaj Szoltysek , The Cardinal Wyszynski University of Warsaw; Bartosz Ogórek, Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences.