Session 59
Family and Life Course Perspective on Internal Migration

Note: Due to the pandemic the original sessions have been cancelled.
You can view the virtual sessions here.



Chair: Nikola Sander, Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Germany

1. Home Is Where the Child Is: Has Dual-Caring Decreased Mobility among Separated Fathers and Mothers?Helen Eriksson , Stockholm University; Maria Branden, Stockholm University and Linköping University; Jani Turunen, Stockholm University.

2. Testing the Colocation Hypothesis before and after Family Formation: An Analysis of Power Couple Migration in the NetherlandsNiels Kooiman , Statistics Netherlands; Marjolijn Das, Statistics Netherlands.

3. Towards a Typology of Childhood Internal Mobility: Do Migrants and Non-Migrants Differ?Joeke Kuyvenhoven , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute(NIDI)/KNAW/University of Groningen; Helga A. G. De Valk, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW), University of Groningen.

4. Relocation as a Strategy for Families in Search of a Sustainable Everyday Life outside the Metropolitan AreasEmma Lundholm , Umeå University; Erika Sandow, Department of Geography, Umeå University.

5. “Your Place, My Place or yet Another?” Assortative Mating and the Place of a Couple’s First Joint HouseholdChristine Schnor , UCLouvain; Clara H. Mulder, University of Groningen.

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