Association between Work-Related Stress and Major Depression: 15-Year Follow-up Results from the Prospective Quebec Cohort •
Ana Paula Gralle , Université Laval; Denis Talbot, ULaval; Xavier Trudel, ULaval; Alain Milot, ULaval; Mahee Gilbert-Ouimet, ULaval; Danielle Laurin, Université Laval; Clermont Dionne, Université Laval; Sophie Lauzier, Université Laval; Benoît Mâsse, Université de Montreal; Ruth Ndjaboué, Université Laval; Michel Vézina, Université Laval; Alain Lesage, Centre de recherche Fernand-Séguin de l’Hôpital Louis H.-Lafontaine; Renée Bourbonnais, Université Laval; Neil Pearce, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; Chantal Brisson, CRCHUQ-ULaval.
Does Retirement Change the Age Effect on Health?: Evidence from Japan •
Masaaki Mizuochi , Nanzan University.
The Effects of Youth Unemployment on Late Life Well-Being and Health in Europe •
Olena Nizalova, University of Kent; Olga Nikolaieva , Kyiv School of Economics; Katerina Gousia, University of Kent; Michael Gebel, University of Bamberg.
Psychosocial Working Conditions and Trajectories of Sickness Absence and Disability Pension Days – an 11-Year Follow-up of 2.1 Million Employees in Sweden •
Laura Salonen , University of Turku, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland; Alexanderson Kristina, Karolinska Institutet; Reiner Rugulies, National Research Centre for the Working Environment; Elisabeth Framke, National Research Centre for the Working Environment; Mikko Niemelä, University of Turku; Kristin Farrants, Karolinska Institutet.
What Explains the Negative Effects of Unemployment on the Well-Being of Partners? •
Jonas Vossemer, Umeå University; Anna Baranowska-Rataj , Centre for Demographic and Ageing Research, Umeå University.