Session 92
Healthcare Screening and Utilization

Note: Due to the pandemic the original sessions have been cancelled.
You can view the virtual sessions here.



Chair: Juliane Tetzlaff, Hannover Medical School

1. Helpful Reminders? Health Survey Participation and Doctor’s Visits among Aging AdultsJennifer Caputo , Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research; Maciej J. Danko, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Henrik Brønnum-Hansen, University of Copenhagen; Anna Oksuzyan, Bielefeld University.

2. Effects of Travel Time on Healthcare UtilizationRosanna Johed , University of Oslo, department of economics; Kjetil Telle, Statistics Norway.

3. Health Screening when Individual’s Options Are Limited: Long-Term Effects of Blood Pressure Screening in a Low-Income ContextFabrice Kampfen , University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Alberto Ciancio, University of Pennsylvania; Hans-Peter Kohler, University of Pennsylvania; Iliana V. Kohler, University of Pennsylvania.

4. Has the 2013 French Pill Scare Led to a Redefinition of Social Inequalities in Accessing to Medical Contraceptives? Results from Three Population Based Surveys Conducted between 2010 and 2016Mireille Le Guen, Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques; Mylène Rouzaud-Cornabas , Inserm; Panjo Henri, Inserm; Rigal Laurent, Inserm; Ringa Virginie, Inserm; Caroline Moreau, INSERM/INED and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

5. The Effect of Home-Based Hypertension Screening on Blood Pressure Change over Time in South Africa: A Population-Based Regression Discontinuity StudyNikkil Sudharsanan , Heidelberg University; Simiao Chen, Heidelberg University; Michael Garber, Emory University; Till Bärnighausen, University of Heidelberg; Pascal Geldsetzer, Harvard University.

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