Session 97
Economic Precariousness and the Family

Note: Due to the pandemic the original sessions have been cancelled.
You can view the virtual sessions here.



Chair: Irena E. Kotowska, Warsaw School of Economics

1. The Interrelationship of Union Formation and Fertility in Italy: The Role of Economic UncertaintyGiammarco Alderotti, Sapienza University of Rome; Valentina Tocchioni , Università di Firenze; Alessandra De Rose, Sapienza University of Rome; Daniele Vignoli, University of Florence.

2. Precarious Employment, Precarious Life? A Qualitative Study Exploring the Perspective of Households.Kim Bosmans , Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

3. The Great Recession and the Work-Parenting Balance in Italian Couples: A Time Use Study.Annalisa Donno, University of Padova; Maria Letizia Tanturri , University of Padova.

4. Marital Intentions and Realization around the Great Recession in France, Netherlands and HungaryLívia Murinkó , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute.

5. A Male or Female Economic bar to Marriage?: Understanding the Contribution of Men’s and Women’s Economic Precariousness on First Cohabitation Outcomes in the UK, 1991-2017Lydia Palumbo , University of Turku; Ann M. Berrington, University of Southampton; Peter Eibich, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.

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